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Last week I went to a "Creative Sichuan Food Restaurant",they certainly do it.The Restaurant is very swordsmen style,the shop assistants are all dressed like a ancient servicer.The table card and dining rooms all named as a famous role in JinYong's fiction like "黄药师","洪七公","小龙女".The bill called "boomerang" (飞镖),the paper napkin called "rag" (抹布),toilet called "Outhouse" (茅房).The most special things are the food name:for example "化骨绵掌","九阴真经" and so on.But to be honest the foods are not delicious.We ordered roast fish,stinky tofu and pork intestine.And the tofu and intestine were too salty and the fish was too thin.I think I would not back to this restaurant again.
Last week I went to a "Creative Sichuan Food Restaurant",It was really creative!The Restaurant was decorated as a Fighting studio,the waiters were all dressed like a ancient servicer.The table cards (中文没说包厢dining rooms)were all named as a famous role in JinYong's fiction like "黄药师","洪七公","小龙女".The beer was called "boomerang" (飞镖),the paper napkin was called "rag" (抹布),toilet called "Outhouse" (茅房).The most special things were the foods name,such as "化骨绵掌","九阴真经" and so on.But to be honest,the foods were not very delicious.We ordered roast fish,stinky tofu and pork intestine.Tofu and intestine were too salty,while the fish was too tasteless(淡是中国人的说法,thin表达不出来这个意思,用tasteless更好).I think I would not come to this restaurant again.
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