早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


可能会有一些答案错误 ,大家斟酌斟酌 ,必有重赏 、
1.We have never discovered what _____between them that night .
A.happened B.took place
(A 我想知道这两个有什么不同 ,在这种情况下为啥不能选B .)
2.I have _____books to read ,so I can't go with you.
A.a lot B.a great deal of C.masses of
3.There was an oil painting _____in the corner.It ____there for several days.
A.laying;had laid B.lain; had laid C.lying;had lain D .laid;had been lain
4.I think Qi Baishi______the art more greatly than some other artists.
A.contributed to B.made contribution to
5.Farmers in China began to use tractors to_____cattle for farming work.
A.replace B.take the place of
6.The doctor thought_____ would be good for you to have a holiday.
A.this B.that C.one D.it
7.Parents______much importance to education.They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift .
A.attach B.pay C.link D.apply
8.A middle-aged woman came running to the bus stop only ______the bus had gone .
A.to find B.finding
(B V-ing 形式不是指停下正在做的事情么 .)
9.The wildlife park helps build ______connection between humen beings and wildlife ,and _____connection benefits both of them.
A.a;a B.a;the C./;/ D.the ;a
10.Can you still buy _____by the yard in Britain?
A.clothes B.cloth C.clothing D.dress
11.Mother asked me_______when I didn't feel very well.
A.what was the matter with me
B.what the matter was with me
C.what matter was with me
D.what was the matter with me
(B 不是这种句子都不需要倒装吗?)
12.He told us he______a concert _______.
A.had attended ;three days before
B.attended ;three days ago
C.would attend;since three days
D.was attending;for three days
13.I recommended _______an English-Chinese dictionary,which I bought would be of great help to you.
A.buying B.bought C.to buy D.be bought
14.---How did you like Nick's performance last night?
----To be honest,his singing didn't ______to me much
A.appeal B.belong C.refer D.occur
15.This is just my daughter _____whose honor the ball is held.
A .in B.for C.to D.with
16.A man is belong questioned in relation to the ______murder last night.
A.advised B.attended C.attempted D.admitted
17.Even thought I had hurt my leg,I _____ swim back to the river bank .
A.could B.was able to
(B 两者如何区分?)
1 take place是有计划的发生 happen是偶然发生
2 A没有of B只能修饰不可数
3 你要搞清楚lie和lay这两个词的意思和所有分词形式
4 B 少了a
5 不知道
6 it作形式主语
7 可以理解为父母认为教育很重要 attach to 有附属 喜欢的意思
8 bus stop指车站 stop在这儿是名词
9 第一次提到一个名词用a 以后就特指了 用the
10 clothes 衣服 永远只能表示复数 cloth 布料 不可数名词
11 谁说这种句子不要倒装的 肯定要倒装啊
14 吸引
16 谋杀未遂 根据意思
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