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As China's socialist market economic system continuously improved and all walks of life in the rapid development of rail transport demand growth.According to statistics,the National Day at the request of the car around 280,000,and the day loading up and down only 100,000,accounting for only 1 / 3,a large gap.To ease the current tense state of transport must be strong potential to expand and improve the efficiency of the use of vehicles.As a result,various measures reduce the turnaround time for trucks to accelerate the flow of vehicles,railway transportation industry has become an important research subject.In order to understand the situation of China's vehicle use and development trend of the first papers on the use of goods to reflect the performance of key indicators,such as when to stop,the truck turn-around time,the static load trucks,truck production,the use of vehicles such as the number of dynamic analysis,it can be See,with the exception of some extension of the week,all the other indicators have a certain degree of progress,maintaining the trend of steadily.As the truck turn-around time is a very comprehensive quality,but in recent years than the completion of the best levels in history there is a certain gap,so the main thesis of this indicator in-depth research,analysis using matrix analysis of the factors that influence the extent of its And the impact on the direction of the use of gray correlation analysis of the factors that made the relationship between the primary and secondary quantitative terms,come to a number of valuable conclusions.
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