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One day, the girl had an accident and that left her without the ability to speak. She felt she was no longer worthy of the boy’s love. She refused him and moved away with her parents. Some day later, a friend of her came to visit and told her the boy came back from abroad and he was looking for her all over the place. But the girl was determined to forget the boy. A year later, the boy appeared in front of the girl and he spent another year to learn sign language. He pledged to take care of the girl in the rest of his life. The girl gave a heartfelt smile.
At the moment when the boy told the girl in sign language: “I spent year learning the sign language just to tell you that I have never broken, and will never break my promise. Give me a second chance, please. Let me be your mouth. I can be your voice to speak.” I couldn’t help shedding tears. Isn’t this the greatest love? A young man newly graduated from overseas has a bright future of his own, however, he chooses to keep his promise he made a few years ago. He came back to the girl in her most helpless situation without speaking ability. In addition, he would take a year to learn the sign language. This faithful and non-yielding feeling from pure love is indeed touching me deep.
It is definite that the main idea of this story can be generalized in two words ---- persistence and faith. These two words play a very important role in our daily life though they sometimes sound empty. Persistence will lead to victory, to the goal you aim at. The old story has told us about perseverance: there was an old man at the foot of North Mountains whose name was Yugong. Upon seeing the two mountains, Mount Taihang and Mount Wangwu, blocking his way out from his house, he has a bold idea: to move them away. He and his sons and grandsons continued the work day after day and year after year. They finally moved them. Faith can win you friendship, trust and understanding. Another traditional story goes: there was a man called Ji Bu from the end of the Qin Dynasty. He always kept his words and enjoyed the trust from people. This helped him in building up deep friendship with a great number of people. A proverb was popular at the time as “Better to get Ji Bu’s promise than one hundred Jin of gold” .
This book is not only filled with stories that move you to tears, but also tells these great endeavors behind the stories to stir your minds. It is no doubt a great book that will tremendously benefit you.
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