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2.The Gratitude Theory
2.1 The theory
Often,when other people do good things for us,we are obliged to respond with acts of gratitude.The Gratitude Theory says that to fulfill your filial duties is to perform appropriate acts of gratitude in response to the good things that your parents have done for you.
Duties of gratitude differ from duties of strict indebtedness in ways that allow the Gratitude Theory to avoid the objections to the Debt Theory.This is because the contents
of duties of gratitude,like those of duties to parents,can be vaguely specified and heavily
dependent upon circumstances.To give one example,what we ought to do out of
gratitude depends upon what we reasonably can do.If you do something nice for me,and
I am an affluent person who lives nearby,then it may be that I ought to respond by
treating you to a nice dinner; but if I have little money or live faraway,a sincere note of
thanks might suffice.
The Gratitude Theory is by far the most popular account of filial duty in the
recent philosophical literature,and I am going to spend some time explaining why I think
that it is inadequate8.Where philosophers object to the Gratitude Theory,they tend to do
so by denying that the bringing up of a child generates duties of gratitude on the child’s
part9.I intend to offer a different line of criticism,saying that while it may well be true
that parents merit gratitude and children have a duty provide it,filial duties in general
cannot be understood as duties of gratitude.
2.2 Duties of gratitude
What are duties of gratitude?As Fred R.Berger has argued,they are best
construed as duties to demonstrate or communicate feelings of gratitude,which is to say
that they are duties to show that you feel appropriately grateful (or perhaps to act as you
would if you did feel appropriately grateful) for a given benefit10.In demonstrating your
gratitude,you show that you recognize and appreciate your benefactor’s efforts,that you
regard her time and energy as valuable,that you do not take her or her efforts for
通常,在别人帮助了我们以后,我们都要以一些适当的行为来表示感激.在理论上通常是这样的,你为尽一份自己对父母的孝道 ,就会以适当的行为来感谢我们的父母,感谢他们为我们所付出的一切.当受到别人的帮助之后,表达的那种感激之情是与那种严格意义上受到恩惠、蒙恩是不一样的,因为表达感激之情是不会让你觉得得到别人的帮助已经成为自己的负担.这些是由表达感激的方式和内容来决定的,举个例子:像我们对我们父母所尽责任一样,很多情况下是要考虑一些客观环境因素的.比如,怎么样去表达对别人的感激,很大程度上依耐于我们怎么更合理适当的去做.如果你帮助了我,并且住得距离也近,那么就可以请你吃一顿饭;但是呢,如果我没有多少钱,或者我们离得也比较远,那么用写感谢信的形式也就显得更加地合适了.
2.2 表达感激之情能起到的作用
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