早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1. 书上说:如果在专有名称之前有表示职业的词语.用限定词.如the poet Gray
如果职业+人名被视为永久性的结合.就不用限定词.如nurse cavell
2. For many people ,__childhood was a happy time .我觉得是填 the,为什么是零冠词?
3. Trouble 前面也是零冠词?
4. —healthy society can tolerate a lot of criticism.干吗前面A,要么也是the
5. I love _mountains,but I hate_sea.前面是零冠词,后面是the.为什么?
In _a_ cold climate ,we wear clothes made of _0_ wool or _0 _fur .In _0_ warm weather ,we wear _0_suits or _0_dresses made of_ 0_lighter material.为什么前面说气候有a,后面说天气就没?材料前面没有冠词?
Whitehall has denied any knowledge of the affair .政府不是要定冠词the么
The issue was debated in Parliament.议会不是要加the 的
There is John Spence/a John Spence waiting to see you in the office.为什么选后面那个?
You won’t have trouble getting home ,a bus doesn’t stop running till midnight.为什么是a bus 不是the bus
Since a bridge has been built across the river,no one uses a ferry /the ferry any more.为什么是后者?
Film/the film is a form of mass entertainment.为什么是后面那个?
Can you imagine a world /the world with no wars ,no hurger ,no pain?为什么是前面的?
There are shops within the reach of the house.干吗要把the去掉
He kept his invention under the cover until it was patented.为什么要把the去掉
We will have to leave America at a short notice .为什么要把a去掉
1.书上说:如果在专有名称之前有表示职业的词语.用限定词.如the poet Gray 如果职业+人名被视为永久性的结合.就不用限定词.如Nurse Cavell
1)含有普通名词的专有名词需要加定冠词:the poet Gray,poet就是普通名词,指的是诗人Gray;
2)全部是由专有名词构成的复合专有名词包不可以用冠词:Nurse Cavell中的Nurse是名 Cavell是姓.这一点正如中国人的名字郭兵一样,兵只是个有某种含义的名字,而不是指此人就是个战士.外国人起名时也是这样,把某种职业作为己的名字是常有的事,比如Smith我们把它翻译成司密斯而不是铁匠,Butcher译作布切尔而不是屠夫.
2.For many people ,__childhood was a happy time .我觉得是填 the,为什么是零冠词?
3.Trouble 前面也是零冠词?
4.—healthy society can tolerate a lot of criticism.干吗前面A,要么也是the
抽象名词前如果带有描绘性定语就转化为具体名词(可数).本题中除了healthy society(健康社会)外还有unhealthy society(不健康社会),既然抽象名词被分为三六九等,所以需要加冠词以区别其他的,因为这里是第一次提到,所以要用 a.
5.I love _mountains,but I hate_sea.前面是零冠词,后面是the.为什么?
6.In (a) cold climate,we wear clothes made of _0_ wool or _0 _fur.In _0_ warm weather,we wear _0_suits or _0_dresses made of_ 0_lighter material.为什么前面说气候有a,后面说天气就没?材料前面没有冠词?
1)a cold climate道理同第四题,cold 是描绘性定语,而warm weather中的warm是限制性定语,即一年分为四种天气,cool weather,cold weather,warm weather 和 hot weather;
7.White Hall has denied any knowledge of the affair .政府不是要定冠词the么
这又是一个专有名词问题,White Hall是用美国政府的办公地借代美国政府,正如我们用中南海借代国务院一样,虽然由普通名词组成,但却没有原来的名词的含义,比如the People’s Republic of China中的每一个字都还是原来的意思,而白宫不是指白色的大厅而是指政府.
8.The issue was debated in Parliament.议会不是要加the
Parliament 大写后专指英国和加拿大议会,正如Mother大写后指自己的母亲一样,这种情况都不需要加定冠词.
9.There is John Spence/a John Spence waiting to see you in the office.为什么选后面那个?
10.You won’t have trouble getting home,a bus doesn’t stop running till midnight.为什么是a bus 不是the bus
每一路公交车都是由多辆组成,a bus 只指其中的某一辆,如果说某路车,那就需要用定冠词.
11.Since a bridge has been built across the river,no one uses a ferry /the ferry any more.为什么是后者?
12.Film/the film is a form of mass entertainment.为什么是后面那个?
13.Can you imagine a world /the world with no wars,no hurger,no pain?为什么是前面的?
a world 指人们居住的社会(或称世界)the world 指的却是地球及其居民.
14.There are shops within the reach of the house.干吗要把the去掉
表示“一片”时后面的名词不用the,如:a reach of grassland 一大片草原,表示“不远处”时后面的名词需要加the ,所以此题去掉the是错误的.
15.He kept his invention under the cover until it was patented.为什么要把the去掉
under the cover of 趁着/以...为幌子,under cover 在遮蔽处/不公开.
16.We will have to leave America at a short notice .为什么要把a去掉
at short notice是个习语,意思是:即刻、临时、忽然,习语中不得随意插入冠词,如go to school l(上学)不能说成go to the school,in hospital (住院)不能说成in the hospital