早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


那个问题是Act and practice.根据下列提示与同伴练习俱乐部招新时的面试对话
A:What club are you going to join?B;I’like to join...
A:What qualifications do you have?B:i’m good at...
A:Fill in this form,piease.B:by the way,how much is the membership?
B:Where can l get the schedule?
A:What club are you going to join? B;I’like to join the sports club.
A:What qualifications do you have? B:i’m good at playing basketball
A:Fill in this form,piease. B:by the way,how much is the membership?
A:Ten yuan a year. B:Where can l get the schedule?
A:You can get the schedule at the Service Desk B:Thank you.
A:It's my pleasure.