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摘 要
机电一体化 机械制造 自动控制 传感器检测
Abstract the world electronic technology rapidly expand,the microprocessor,the microcomputer obtain the widespread application now in various area of technology,to various domains technology development enormous promotion effect.A perfect integration of machinery system,should contain the following several base elements:Basic machine,power and actuation part,implementing agency,sensing measurement component,control and information processing part.The integration of machinery is the system technology,the computer and the information processing and management technology,the automatic control technology,the examination sensing technology,the servo drive technology and the mechanical skill and so on multi-disciplinary area of technology synthesis overlapping technology-intensive systems engineering.New generation's CNC system this kind of model integration of machinery product toward the high performance,the intellectualization,the systematization as well as the featherweight,the microminiaturized direction develops.On the integration of machinery technological development's inevitable result,this article has summarized the integration of machinery basic concept and the development background.key word the integration of machinery machine manufacture the automatic control sensor examination
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