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69. 天气转暖了。该把冬天的衣服收起来了。

It’s getting warm. ___________to put away the winter clothes.

70. 为什么不让孩子们做他们喜欢的事情呢?

   ___________ let the children do what they like?

71. 虽然病了,可是李老师还在继续上课。

   Mr. Li was sick but he ___________.

72. 我既不喜欢踢足球也不喜欢打篮球,但我非常喜欢去游泳。

   I like ___________ but I like swimming very much.

73. 在整个冬季由于天冷他停止了锻炼,以至于他的体重增加了3公斤。

  During the whole winter he__________ by 3 kilograms because of the cold weather.


69. It’s time   70. Why not        71. kept on having lessons/ continued to have lessons/ went on having lessons 72. neither playing fo...
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