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Domestic violence occurs in the violence between family members.Increasing domestic violence against the victim's physical and mental health,a violation of the legitimate rights and interests of victims,the destruction of social stability and development,has attracted nationwide attention.To give victims of domestic violence in a more comprehensive,more specific and more appropriate assistance to achieve better social results,the need to establish legal,social,psychological dimensions of social support system.In the current domestic and international anti-domestic violence legislation to make the legal provisions to protect the basic rights of family members,but my work in the fight against domestic violence still has many shortcomings.Papers on domestic violence through the basic theoretical studies have analyzed the many causes of domestic violence and family violence resulting harm to society and in light of our legislative and social status in the analysis of our anti-domestic violence gaps made for the development of anti-domestic violence law.My hope for the future work on the anti-domestic violence legislation.
Keyword :domestic violence; Anti-domestic violence; Hazards; Status quo; Response

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