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假定你是高中生李华,在学习英语过程中遇到了困难,请给English Weekly的编辑写一封短信
不是copy的哈 刚写的~ Dear editor, I'm Li Hua,a student from high school.Till now I've been learning Enlish for many years.But these days I find that my study has been stuck and I'm longing for your assistance. First of all is the prononciation.I know that there are two kinds of prononciation:the American prononciation and the British prononciation.Could you help me distinguish the two styles of prononciation? Secondly is the vocabulary.Despite the fact that a large vocabulary can contribute to your reading comprehension and composition,it can be really tough to memorize words.Could you give me some instructions on memorizing words? Moreover,I'd like you to introduce some reading skills to me.For instance,how to read fast,how to read with purpose,and how to find out the core of the passage. I'll appreciate it if you could help me deal with my trouble. Waiting for your reply. Yours sincerely LiHua

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“一册两表四书”中的“四书”包括的有()A.入学通知书B.劝返复学通知书C.按时入学困难学生缓免入学  2020-05-31 …

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