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1.我们的确希望此次订货能帮助你方扩大市场.(be conducive to)
2.通常我们要求付款交单,但鉴于我们之间的友好合作,我们同意你方提出的承兑交单付款.(as a rule,in considerration of,propose)
5,由于我们了解到你方良好的资信情况,我们愿意以电汇(T/T)购货.(on the basis of)
7.你也知道信用证成本较高,你方能否接受即期汇票,我方下不为例.(take sth.as precident)
8.如果你们不能灵活些,我们将无论如何也不会接受此种付款方式.(in no case)
1.We indeed hoped this ordering can help you to expand the market
2.Usually we request to pay money the invoice,but in view of the fact that between us the friendship and cooperation,we agreed you propose accept the invoice payment
3.Believed you can stretch the rules we to use the payment invoice way,this will be able to promote us to sell your product
4.If each time the transaction involves amount insufficient 2000 US dollars,may use the payment invoice way payment
5.Because we understood your good credit situation,we are willing to remittance bye telegram (T/T) purchase merchandise
6.In order to promote the next service development,we will request the payment method has provided the very big transaction convenience for you
7.You also knew the letter of credit cost is high,whether do you accept the demand draft,we are not to a precedent
8.If you will not be able nimble,we in any event not to be able to accept this payment method

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