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1. 提升人民币的国际货币地位。一旦将人民币纳入SDR 货币篮子,将使人民币纳入国际货币基金组织成员国可以计算至官方储备的货币篮子中,成为真正意义上的世界货币。
2. 更加符合中国的国际利益。目前中国是全球第二大经济体,但人民币的国际地位却排在美元、欧元、英镑、日元之后,这不仅与中国的经济地位不匹配,也不符合中国的国际利益。因此将人民币纳入SDR货币篮子会更加符合中国的国际利益。
3. 降低中国在海外的借贷成本,并为未来经常项目赤字融资提供额外的自由度,有助于中国公司向海外扩张,推动中国经济全球化进程。随着中国推动人民币加入SDR,减少对资本流动的管制,将使人民币更加国际化。
4. 对于提高人民币在大宗商品上的定价权具有重要意义。目前,石油、黄金、铁矿石等大宗商品都是以美元计价。如此一来,美国的经济好坏,美元的强弱,都会直接地影响到大宗商品的价格。因此,将人民币纳入SDR 货币篮子对中国成为世界一流经济强国具有重要的战略意义。
5. 可以分担目前中国经济下行可能带来的风险。目前,中国正处于经济下行和经济转型的重要阶段,将人民币纳入SDR 货币篮子,在一定程度上可以推进中国经济转型和金融市场的改革。
6. 可以提高世界各国对人民币的需求。据渣打银行估计,目前有超过60 家央行投资了人民币。将人民币纳入SDR 货币篮子,会吸引更多央行买家。随着人民币纳入SDR 货币篮子,世界储备货币将更加多样化,可以使世界各国在投资资产上有更多的选择,减小投资风险。
1 enhance the international monetary status of the RMB. Once the yuan to be included in the SDR basket, will allow the RMB into a member of the International Monetary Fund can be calculated to the official reserves of the currency basket, become real world currency.
2 more in line with the international interests of China. China is now the world's second largest economy, but the international status of the RMB is in the wake of the dollar, euro, British pound, Japanese yen, which is not only related to the status of China's economy does not match, does not conform to the international interest in China. Therefore, the inclusion of the RMB SDR currency basket will be more in line with the international interests of China.
. reduce overseas borrowing costs in China, and for the future of the current account deficit financing provide additional freedom degree, help Chinese companies to expand overseas, promoting the process of economic globalization in China. With China to promote the yuan to join SDR, reducing the flow of capital controls, will make the RMB more international.
4 for improving the pricing of the RMB in the commodities is of great significance. At present, the oil, gold, iron ore and other commodities are denominated in dollars. As a result, the United States of the economy is good or bad, the dollar's strength, will directly affect the price of commodities. Therefore, the inclusion of the RMB into the SDR currency basket of China as the world's leading economic power has important strategic significance.
5 can share the risks of the current economic downturn may bring. At present, China is in the important stage of the transformation of the economic downturn and the economic, the renminbi to be included in the SDR basket. In a certain extent, can promote the reform of China's economic restructuring and financial market.
6 can improve the world's demand for the renminbi. According to Standard Chartered Bank estimates, there are more than 60 central bank invested RMB. Will be incorporated into the SDR currency basket, will attract more central bank buyers. With the inclusion of the yuan into the SDR currency basket, the world reserve currency will be more diversified, so that countries in the world have more choices in investment assets, reduce investment risks

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