早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.It rained_____outside.
A.heavy B.heavily C.thick D.thickly
2.The rain is_____outside.
A.heavy B.heavily C.thick D.thickly
3.Don't keep your mother_____.
A.waiting B.wait C.to wait D.waited
4.Your room is_____than mine.
A.very larger B.much larger C.more larger D.largest
5.Mike is_____than anyone else in the family.
A.larger B.higher C.longer D.taller
6.I like Rome,and I like Paris_____.
A.either B.so C.as well D.neither
7.He didn't go to XinJiang,and I didn't go there,_____.
A.either B.too C.also D.neither
8.I have seen the film,and I have read the book,_____.
A.well B.too C.either D.also
9.I am very busy this evening.I have got thirty maths_____to grade.
A.papers B.paper C.newspaper D.newspaper
10.How do you like the climate here?
A.very much like B.very like it C.like it very D.like it very much
11.He was not very careful,so he_____the beer glass on the floor.
A.dropped B.slipped C.fell D.knocked
12.He_____a coin into the tramp's hand.
A.gave B.slipped C.fell D.dropped
1.Apples are very cheap this season,but bananas are very_____.
2.We bought this bread a week ago.It isn't fresh.It is_____.
3.I love steak.It is my favourite food.But I don't like lamb.I_____it.
4.Our baby is sleeping.Don't play the piano too loud.Keep it_____.
5.I am afraid that you have got a high temperature.Your temperature isn't_____.
6.He isn't stupid.He often gives_____answers in class.
7.These hard shoes are uncomfoetable.I want a pair of_____ones.
8.It was a hard job.I couldn't do it.So I did an_____one.
9.Please tell me which word is right and which is_____.
10.I don't like these grapes.They aren't sweet.They're_____.
1.I don't think that short skirt(适合你)_____.
2.It_____(不适合她)to wear her hair long.
3.The size of the house_____(适合我们)very well.
4.A cold climate_____(适合这种树).
5.He always wears_____(西装)at work.
6.I bought_____(一套女装)for a present.
suits you
doesnt suit her
suit us
suits these kind of trees

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