早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1. John Snow was so famous that he attended Queen Victoria as hr personal _____(内科医生).
2. The four countries work together in some areas such as the ___ (货币)and international relations. 
3. I have reminded myself _________  (不断) that I am really in AD3008.
4. his friends were _____ (热心的)and encouraged him to publish his ideas.
5. Nothing is wasted, and everything, even plastic bags is ______. (再利用)
6. I am interested in photography, but I took an ____ (业余) course at university to updated my skills
7. The wound on her arm is dry , red and mildly _______. (肿胀)
8. The cool water stops the burning process, prevents the pain becoming ____ . (不可忍受)
9. You can ____ (澄清)the problem if you refer to the dictionary.  
10. John Snow ______ (怀疑) that the water was the main cause of the disease.
1. physician 2. currency 3. constantly 4. enthusiastic 5. recycled, 
6.  amateur 7. swollen  8. unbearable 9. clarify 10. suspected


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