早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


英语方面的题目 ,展现你实力的时候.
1._______ they _________(feed) the animals at 5:00 yesterday afternoon.
2.Mrs.Green _________(not wash) clothes at this time yesterday.
3.Grandpa ________ (mend) his clock when I reached home.
4.As I ________ (walk) in the pack ,I saw some children playing games.
5.We _______ (test) the now machine when the electricity _________(go) off.
6.My father _________(watch) TV while my mother _________(cook)dinner .
7.It _________ (stop) raining a moment ago .
8.Please remember ____________(finish) your homework on time .
9.What about __________ (swim) with us
10.Tony spent two hours ____________(water) the flowers yesterday.
11.Who made the little boy ___________(cry) again
12.The old man enjoys __________(lie) in the sun .
13.Tom would like _________(drink) a cuo of tea .
14.We decided __________ (visit) the Summer Palace next Monday.
15.I _________ (star) to do this job two dats ago .but I ________
(not finish) it yet .
1.___Were____ they ___feeding______(feed) the animals at 5:00 yesterday afternoon.
2.Mrs.Green __wasn't washing_______(not wash) clothes at this time yesterday.
3.Grandpa __was mending______ (mend) his clock when I reached home.
4.As I __was walking______ (walk) in the pack ,I saw some children playing games.
5.We _were testing______ (test) the now machine when the electricity ___went______(go) off.
6.My father _was watching________(watch) TV while my mother _was cooking________(cook)dinner .
7.It ___stopped______ (stop) raining a moment ago .
8.Please remember ___to finish_________(finish) your homework on time .
9.What about ___swimming_______ (swim) with us
10.Tony spent two hours ___watering_________(water) the flowers yesterday.
11.Who made the little boy ___cry________(cry) again
12.The old man enjoys __lying________(lie) in the sun .
13.Tom would like ___to drink______(drink) a cuo of tea .
14.We decided __to visit________ (visit) the Summer Palace next Monday.
15.I __started_______ (star) to do this job two dats ago .but I _haven't finished_______
(not finish) it yet .

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