早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Tom目前有很多烦恼.他不得不学习用功所以得不到充足的睡眠.他每天学习到半夜.他有太多的作业要做所以他没有任何闲暇时间去做他喜欢的事情. 他的父母不允许他与朋友外出闲逛.他有太多的课外补习班.上周他和他的好朋友打了一架.很多同学给他提建议.“ 你可以给他写信.”“虽然这是好主意,但我不擅长写信.” Tom说.“你应该给他打电话.”“我不想在电话中讨论这件事.” “你真的应该给他谈谈为了你能说抱歉.”“ 你不妨去他家”“ 我不想吓着他.” “你不妨带他去看球赛”“我不想等到下周”
Now Tom has____ _____ ______.He has _____ _____ _____ ______so he can’t _____ _____ ____. He _____ _____ ______every night. He has ____ _____homework____ _____so he has ____ _____time ___ _____ the things ____ _____.His parents don’t _____ him ____ _____ _____ _____his friends. He has ____ _____ _____ ______. Last week he ____ ____a ______ ____his best friend. Many students _____ ____ some ______.’ You _____ _____ ______a letter.”
“______ it’s a good idea, I’m____ ______ _____ _______letters.. “You _____ _____him ____.”
“I don’t want _____ ____ _____it ______the phone.” “ You should ____ ____ him ____ ____ you can say sorry.” “ You could go to his house”. “ I don’t want _____ ______ him”. “ You could ____ him ____ the ball game.” “ I don’t want ___ _____ _____ next week.”
lots of troubles; to study very hard; get enough sleep; studies very late; lots of; to do; no; to do; he likes; allow; to hang out with; lots of extra-curricular classes; fight with; one of ; give ...