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  英国学生 Mary 计划来海大留学,为了提前适应中国环境,希望在暑假期间找一名高中生学习汉语及中国文化。你高考即将结束,正好有时间可以帮助她,所以决定给她写封 E-mail

    注意: 1 .表达应包括以上要点;

          2 .可以适当增加细节,表达要连贯;

          3 .词数 120-150


Dear Mary

I’ve learned from the Internet that you want to have a Chinese senior high school student help you learn about Chinese culture as well as teach you some Chinese so as to make yourself easier to adapt to the new environment in China before you begin to study in Ocean University of China in Qingdao. ( 或 As I have learned from the Internet you are planning to come to / you are coming to study in Ocean University of China in Qingdao. In order to adapt to the environment here ahead of time / in advance / earlier you would like to find / ask a senior high school student to help you to learn about Chinese culture as well as teaching you some Chinese. )

 I’d like to be the one to help/ be of help to/ be helpful to you. Now let me introduce myself and my plan to help you. I’m Li Hua a senior 3 student of a middle school of/in Qingdao. It is just Chinese and English that I’m good at(that are my strengths 或 strong points) so I think( 或 in my opinion)we won’t have much difficulty in communicating with each other in English. Most suitably when you come to China I will just have had my college entrance exam which will give( 或 offer provide allow )me plenty of time to teach you Chinese and help you learn Chinese culture by showing you around my hometown and making friends with my classmates. China is a great country with a long history and colorful culture. So it’s quite worthwhile for you to come to study in Ocean University of China ( which is ) an excellent university Qingdao ( which is ) a famous beautiful seaside city. Welcome to China! I hope we can become good friends.

 Best wishes to you! (I’m) Looking forward to your reply.

                                                  Yours sincerely

                                                      Li Hua


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