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用120个词就“Is Failure a Bad Thing”这个主题写一篇短文,至少包括以下内容:1,失败并不是一件坏事,但从失败中站起来,的确不是件易事.2,失败对一个胜利者来说,却是重要的基本功和必修课.3.你对失败的看法和态度如何.
Is Failure a Bad Thing?
Failure is a common thing in life.But there are different attitudes towards failure.Whoever draws a lesson from every failure becomes experienced and succeeds.
So failure has a different effect on anyone who has a different attitude.As for me,I like success.Meanwhile,I don't mind failure because it isn't a bad matter,and we can stand up in the failure,which isn't indeed an easy matter.As is known,the defeat to a victor is actually an important basic skill and the required course.
In my opinion we should take an active attitude towards failure,because most of us experience the failure though few of us are so lucky as to succeed.Failure tells us such things as why we failed and what we should do to correct the mistakes.Failure also tells us how to approach our goals and ensures us failure is the mother of success.
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