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看《Scent of a Woman》 写英语作文.我是大一的学生 老师让我们看《Scent of a Woman》 写英语作文 我有点迷茫 应该写些什么 、、、、、

看《Scent of a Woman》 写英语作文.
我是大一的学生 老师让我们看《Scent of a Woman》 写英语作文 我有点迷茫 应该写些什么 、、、、、
Review on “Scent of a Woman”
The films which are played by the teacher in the Western Film Appreciation Course are classical. These films not only introduce the culture of western country, but also touch everyone’s soul, make everyone to think about life. I am aways moved by these films. Among these films, my favorite is Scent of a Woman.
Scent of a Woman is about a poor but excellent prep school student Charlie faces with the dilemma of whether or not tell the president who played a trick on him. If he tells the president the fact that he knew, the president promises Charlie that he will be admitted by Harvard, if not, he will be expelled.
A retired blind Colonel Frank who hires Charlie as his companion. Frank arranges a special tour to New York City in the Thanksgiving weekend with Charlie. Frank lives in dark, so he has lost the motivation to keep alive in the world, he intends to commit suicide after enjoying the tour. Charlie saves Frank from verge of death ,Frank is moved by Charlie’s brave and feels the true love from Charlie’s perseverance , finally, he give up to kill himself and gets the hope and confidence again. Frank makes a speech in Charlie’s school and persuade the Disciplinary Committee not to expell Charlie for he didn’t tell the fact.
Scent of a Woman tells us not to lose hope of life, even if you are blind like Frank. Frank is a very proud man with a glorious time as a colonel , so he is very negative after he became blind. His familis do not know what he need indeed. He thinks he is a failed man, useless, the only way to finish the unhappy life is to kill himself. But in fact, he is a charming person. He is able to dance the tango and drive a Ferrari better than normal people.He tells Charlie he just live with some thoughts.When Frank being despairing, Charlie faces Frank’s gun bravely and tells Frank he is attractive when he danced the tango and draved Ferrari. Actually,we are afraid of death as well as Frank.We can’t live with beautiful thing all the time ,but there is always a reason keeps us go on.Don’t lose hope of life.
Charlie makes an example for me, he didn’t sell anybody out to buy his future. With the help of Frank,Charlie insists on his own belief, throwing away the burdens and selfishness.The character of integrity is one of America Values which this film wants to convey. It is difficult for everyone to keep honest all the time. Integrity and courage are the stuff leaders should be made of. Charlie guides a bright way for his classmates and us.
In the tour to New York City, Charlie finds Frank’s attraction and helps frank restore confidence to his life. Frank thinks highly of Charlie because of Charlie is pure in heart. The relation between Frank and Charlie gradually become like father and son. Sometimes our confidence comes from other’s encouragement and praise, so it is important to know how to praise. Our life will suffer loneliness and depression, but friendship will warm our heart. We have much to share with our friends in life, including happiness and sadness, so it is important for you to find real friendship.
In our life, we always suffer different misfortunes in each of our stage, but we should be those who face up to the cruel world bravely instead of being negative .
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