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I am in Canada for over 10 years and typing fairly slow in Chinese. If you don't mind I will use English instead.
Here is my short piece of greetings: (If I am allowed to make a recommendation, to make your boss happy, the longer the better. if you want to welcome students from US, the shorter the better, I am assuming the later one is what you want).
Thank you for allowing me to have this great opportunity to welcome the students from the United States who are going to study in our school (department, faculty, company ?) for the coming (1 or 2 years?).
You may want to ask these students to introduce themself to the audience (Optional, but it is very common practice to give the guests an opportunity to say their name, where they came from what they study etc).
To all of you who just arrive in our school and likely the first time to be in China, I knew there are a lot of things new to you, you may be excited, may be amazed by the differences and even a bit confused too. It is totally understandable and expected. But there is one thing we want you to know that you are all welcomed here with opened arms! and we want to say to you Welcome to your new home!
I also want to say congratulations for all of you be able to make this long journey to explore China. As we all now life is a journey of choice that we make. You may have various reason to be here, but I can ensure you one thing: many years from now, when you look back, you will realize what an awsome chocie you made for yourself, and to that, we are all very proud of you and thank you for choosing to be part of our school history!
In the next 1-2 (yr, month?), this place is going to be your home. We hope this period of time in your life is going to be one of the best memorable times in your life journey. It is no doubt we are totally two different cultures and there are a lots of differences. However, the fact that you are sitting here today tells us that you are willing to take initiatives to learn more about of our schools, our country and our culture. As we all know, Culture is not what runs in your blood, Culture is how you participate.
I also want to let you know that in this new home, you are going to know a lot of new relatives. We will make sure your stay is a pleasant one and most importantly, please make yourself hre as your own home.
To close, I wish all have a great time in this campus and enjoy your study and stay and Have a lot of fun!
Good luck

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