早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享





    1 .故事须包括所有图画的内容.可以适当增加细节,使故事连贯;

    2 .图中学生为李华;

    3 .词数 100 —— 120 左右.

    参考词汇:写生: draw from nature   斧: axe


Li Hua is a primary school student and he enjoys drawing very much .

    One day , he went to the small woods not far from the town to draw from nature , carrying a drawing board
. He was glad to find a tree living although the rest had been cut down .“ Let me start work at once ,” he thought and began to set up his board .

    Just then a strong young man came with a big axe and got down to cutting the tree . Soon he cut it down and pulled it away .

    When Li Hua got ready and turned back to draw , he found the tree had disappeared .

“ Dear me ! Where on earth is the tree ?” Li Hua wondered , disappointed .

    From the story above , we can see it's high time that public awareness should be raised to keep the ecological balance , otherwise we would destroy not only the natural habitat of wildlife but our own living space as well . Besides , more legislation is needed to protect the environment .


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