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极限编程(eXtreme Programming)是一种轻量级软件开发方法,它是以(30)为规则。A.文档驱动B.数据驱动C.代码驱动D.模型驱动
极限编程(eXtreme Programming)是一种轻量级软件开发方法,(29)不是它强调的准则。A.持续的交流和沟通B.用最简单的设计实现用户需求C.用测试驱动开发D.关注用户反馈
The most accurate and most boring way to(66)Java is that it is a new computer programming language developed by Sun Microsystems that creates(67)inde
The most accurate and most boring way to(105)Java is that it is a new computer programming language developed by Sun Microsystems that creates(106)in
Programming is a(46)that has various engineering and(47)aspects. Although most of these aspects are interrelated, each of them covers a number of(48)
快速排序算法采用的设计方法是(37)。A.动态规划法(Dynamic Programming)B.分治法(Divideand Conquer)C.回溯法(Backtracking)D.分枝定界法(Branch and Bound)
极限编程(eXtreme Programming)是一种轻量级软件开发方法, (29)不是它强调 的准则。A.持续的交流和沟通B.用最简单的设计实现用户需求C.用测试驱动开发D.关注用户反馈