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(c) What changes to Churchill’s existing marketing mix will be needed to achieve the three


(c) What changes to Churchill’s existing marketing mix will be needed to achieve the three strategic goals?

(15 marks)

(c) Each of the strategic goals will have a profound impact on the marketing mix as it currently exists. As each goal affects the
market position of Churchill developing an appropriate marketing mix will be the key to successful implementation of the
overall growth strategy. The product, the brand and the reputation it creates are at the heart of the company’s marketing
strategy. Their focus on the premium segment of the market seems a sensible one and one which allows a small family-owned
business to survive and grow slowly. Evidence suggests this is a luxury indulgence market reflecting changing consumer tastes
and lifestyles. Managing the product range will be a major marketing activity. While the core products may develop an almost
timeless quality there will be a need to respond to the product innovations introduced by its much larger competitors. The
company’s emphasis on the quality of its products resulting from the quality of its ingredients is at the heart of its competitive
advantage. Growing the product range will also bring the danger of under performing products and a consequent need to
divest such products. Packaging is likely to be a key part of the products’ appeal and will be an area where constant innovation
is important.
Pricing raises a number of issues. Why is Churchill’s core product priced at £1 less than its immediate competition? What is
the basis on which Churchill prices this product? Each of the methods of pricing has its advantages and disadvantages. Using
cost plus may create an illusion of security in that all costs are covered, but at the same time raises issues as to whether
relevant costs have been included and allocated. Should the company price in anticipation of cost reductions as volume
increases? Should the basis for pricing be what your competitors are charging? As a luxury product one would assume that
its demand is relatively price inelastic: a significant increase in price e.g. £1 would lead to only a small reduction in quantity
demanded. Certainly, profit margins would be enhanced to help provide the financial resources the company needs if it is to
grow. One interesting issue on pricing is the extent to which it is pursuing a price skimming or price penetration policy –
evidence from the scenario suggests more of a price skimming policy in line with the luxury nature of the product.

Place is an equally important issue – the vertical integration strategy of the company has led to company-owned shops being
the main way customers can buy the product. At the same time, this distribution strategy has led to Churchill’s sales being
largely confined to one region in the UK – although it is the most populous. If Churchill has a desire to grow, does it do this
through expanding the number of company owned and franchised outlets or look for other channels of distribution in
particular the increasingly dominant supermarket chains? Each distribution strategy will have significant implications for other
elements in the marketing mix and for the resources and capabilities required in the company.
Finally, promotion is an interesting issue for the company. The relatively recent appointment of a sales and marketing director
perhaps reflects a need to balance the previous dominance of the manufacturing side of the business. Certainly there is
evidence to suggest that John Churchill is not convinced of the need to advertise. There are some real concerns about how
the brand is developed and promoted. Certainly sponsorship is now seen as a key part of the firm’s promotional strategy. The
company has a good reputation but customer access to the product is fairly limited. Overall there is scope for the company
to critically review its marketing mix and implement a very different mix if it wants to grow.
The four Ps above are very much the ‘hard’ elements in the marketing mix and Churchill in its desire to grow will need toensure that the ‘softer’ elements of people, physical evidence and processes are aligned to its ambitious strategy.