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(c) Assess the advantages and disadvantages to Datum Paper Products taking the greenfield


(c) Assess the advantages and disadvantages to Datum Paper Products taking the greenfield option as opposed

to the acquisition of Papier Presse. (15 marks)

(c) From the information given in the scenario, DPP will face significant problems if it chooses to develop a greenfield site. The
bureaucratic planning procedures adopted by the host government can add considerable time to get an efficient plant up and
running. In some ways, such governments are in a dilemma, anxious to secure foreign direct investment, but at the same
time protect inefficient domestic manufacturers. Certainly, DPP in its own risk assessment would need to take political risk
into account. In assessing the risks of a greenfield site, Ken could use Porter’s ‘diamond’ to good effect. Factor conditions
might be seen as quite favourable, with an educated, trained, albeit low productivity, labour force. However, the lack of
demanding tough global customers, a weak and inefficient domestic industry to supply the new venture and competitors who
have been highly protected mean that DPP will have to battle to create a supportive and sustaining environment. Financial
exposure may be increased through currency risk.
Clearly, the fresh start will allow integrated information systems to be developed and the latest technology to be used.
However, the new capacity will have a significant impact on DPP’s existing plants. The extent to which expatriate
management is used is clearly an issue. The host government is likely to require some commitment to the training of local
management and the degree of autonomy given to the new plant may well be an issue. Cultural issues and sensitivities will
be significant – often shop floor workers and managers will be used to high levels of absenteeism being tolerated in
government owned and controlled firms. Also the issue of involvement and participation could be an issue – there may be a
marked reluctance on the shop floor to contribute ideas towards raising productivity and quality. DPP is part of a group that
has experience of operating abroad and there is a real need to access information on key problems in greenfield operations.
In many ways the move to a greenfield site links the macro environmental analysis generated by a SLEPT or PEST to five
forces industry analysis with its focus on customers, competitors and suppliers. Certainly, creating an integrated value chain
with DPP’s existing business will be a real challenge to the management. It also adds capacity to a European industry where
there is already a problem. Choosing between the two options to achieve the strategic goal of a lower cost base can be doneusing the tests of suitability, acceptability and feasibility. The decision will not be an easy one.