早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享
早教吧考试题库频道 --> 财会类考试 -->ACCA/CAT -->

(ii) the strategy of the business regarding its treasury policies. (3 marks)(Marks will be


(ii) the strategy of the business regarding its treasury policies. (3 marks)

(Marks will be awarded in part (b) for the identification and discussion of relevant points and for the style. of the


(ii) Strategy of the business regarding its treasury policies
Treasury policies are reviewed regularly by the Board. It is group policy to account for all financial instruments as cash
flow hedges. As a result, changes in the fair values of financial instruments are deferred in reserves to the extent the
hedge is effective and released to profit or loss in the time periods in which the hedged item impacts profit or loss.
The Group contracts fixed rate currency swaps and issues floating to fixed rate interest rate swaps to meet the objective
of protecting borrowing costs. The cash flow effects of the interest rate swaps match the cash flows on the underlying
instruments so that there is no net cash flow effect from movements in market interest rates. If the interest rate swaps
had not been transacted there could have been an increase in the annual net interest payable to the Group. The strategy
of the group is to minimise the exposure to interest rate fluctuations.