早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享
早教吧考试题库频道 --> 财会类考试 -->ACCA/CAT -->

(c) Outline the ways in which Arthur and Cindy can reduce their income tax liability by in


(c) Outline the ways in which Arthur and Cindy can reduce their income tax liability by investing in unquoted

shares and recommend, with reasons, which form. of investment best suits their circumstances. You are not

required to discuss the qualifying conditions applicable to the investment vehicle recommended. (5 marks)

You should assume that the income tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2005/06 apply throughout this


(c) Reduction of income tax liability by investing in unquoted shares
The two forms of investment
Income tax relief is available for investments in venture capital trusts (VCTs) and enterprise investment scheme (EIS) shares.
A VCT is a quoted company that invests in shares in a number of unquoted trading companies. EIS shares are shares in
qualifying unquoted trading companies.
The most suitable investment for Arthur and Cindy is a VCT for the following reasons.
– An investment in a VCT is likely to be less risky than investing directly in EIS companies as the risk will be spread over
a greater number of companies.
– The tax deduction is 40% of the amount invested as opposed to 20% for EIS shares.
– Dividends from a VCT are not taxable whereas dividends on EIS shares are taxed in the normal way.