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It should go without saying that the focus of UML is modeling. However, what that means, e


It should go without saying that the focus of UML is modeling. However, what that means, exactly, can be an open-ended question.(71)is a means to capture ideas, relationships, decisions, and requirements in a well-defined notation that can be applied to many different domains. Modeling not only means different things to different people, but also it can use different pieces of UML depending on what you are trying to convey. In general, a UML model is made up of one or more(72)A diagram graphically represents things, and the relationships between these things. These(73)can be representations of real-world objects, pure software constructs, or a description of the behavior. of some other objects. It is common for an individual thing to show up on multiple diagrams; each diagram represents a particular interest, or view, of the thing being modeled. UML 2.0 divides diagrams into two categories: structural diagrams and behavioral diagrams.(74)are used to capture the physical organization of the things in your system, i.e., how one object relates to another.(75)focus on the behavior. of elements in a system. For example, you can use behavioral diagrams to capture requirements, operations, and internal state changes for elements.





解析:UML的核心关注内容是建模,而建模是一个开放性的问题。建模是采用合适并预先定义的符号来描述捕获的思想、关系、决策和需求,并且建模可应用到多个领域。建模对不同的人有不同的含义,可以使用UML中不同的部分来描述你所要涵盖的内容。一般来说,UML模型是由一个或者多个diagram组成。一个diagram使用图形化的方式描述了事物以及事物之间的关系,而事物代表了真实世界中的对象、软件构件或对象行为。常常一个独立的事物会在多个diagram中展现,每个diagram建模了该事物的不同方面。UML 2.0将diagram分为两大类:结构化diagram和行为diagram。结构化diagram主要用于捕获系统的物理组织结构,如一个对象与其他对象的关系。行为diagram则用于捕获需求、操作以及元素内部状态的变化。