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My view on how to do better job in system development?
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My view on how to do better job in system development
we can not deny that we are facing difficult problems.with the development of system,we need change ourselves in order to adjust to the new environment.what should we do?how can we perform well?what will help us do better job?
at first,you should view things from right side.though we may runn into difficulties some times.do not worry about that.have some confidence on yourself.try to tell yourself "you are the best one,you can do everything well"three times a day.when time pass by,you will find out it helps.
second,make a plan before you start to do your job.without the management you can do nothing well,what is worse,you may make all the things to a mass.follow the step you have listed in you plan.when you finish your job,look back,have a comparison .then make a perfect plan next time.
at last.say no to failure.you can never be a general if you have no ambition.what?have no goal?think about who you want to be in future.then write it down,not only on the paper,but also in your heart.one should do everything follow his heart.because only you know what kind of job you want get.
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