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model:the news is too good .it can hardly be true .
the news is too good to be sure
1..the question is too difficult .it can not be answered now.
2..the girl is very young .she can not travel alone .
3..they wore dark glasses .they wanted to keep the sunlight from their eyes .
4..the weather has grown quite warm .we can sow the seeds now .
5..he is very kind .he helps me carry the heavy luggage .
6..the ice is quite thick .we can walk on it .
7..Tom was very foolish .he told lies to the police .
8..our new car is very wide .it won't get through those gates.
9..i was terrified .i couldn't move .
10..the coddee isn't strong .it won't keep us awake
1.The question is too difficult to be answered now.
2.The girl is to young to travel alone.
3.They wore dark glasses to keep the sunlight from their eyes.
4.The weather is warm enough to sow the seeds now.
5.He is kind enough to help me carry the heavy luggage.
6.The ice is thick enough to walk on it.
7.Tom was so foolish that he told lies to the police.
8.Our new car is too wide to get through those gates.
9.I was too terrified to move.
10.The coddee isn't strong enought to keep us awake.
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