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帮我修改一下英语作文,顺便加个结尾:my parents give me about 100yuan every month.But sometimes,I spend it all before the end of the month,they complain a little.So they always say I have to save up money.Sometimes I help my parents to do housework.Such as wash the dishes,clean the floors and so on.My parents give me presents.I have got a beautiful cloths on my birthday.At that time,I was very delighted.We have one TV for the whole family.And I watch TV about two hours every day with my parents.
My parents give me about $100 yuan every month.At times,I spent all of them before the end of the month,and they complained.They always tell me to save money for future.
Sometimes I help my parents to do housework such as :to wash the dishes,to clean the floors and so on.
My parents presented me a beautiful dress for my birthday presents,I was very delighted then.We have a TV at home,we love to watch drama series together.I watch TV program about two hours every day with my parents.We have a wonderful time together and I love my parents.
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