Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given
below, change the form where necessary.
tend reveal corresponding applaud launch
arrest overnight evidence incident tempt
poll possess reinforce admit (to) style
1. The new buildings here are all with steel, for the sake of safety in case of
an earthquake.
2. The honest young surgeon making errors in judgment on more than one
3. We took a(n) train to Paris,
which arrived just as the sun rose.
4. I have come to understand that all rights
carry with them
5. The we have seen so far suggests
that lack of vitamin C may indeed
be the cause of his illness.
6. Meat to go bad quickly in hot weather if it is not
properly preserved.
7. After the robbery, the police arrived at the
scene of the to take statements form from the victim and
the witness.
8. We all John’s proposal.
9. Eve by the serpent into eating the Forbidden
10. They are conducting a to find out how many people are in favor of
new tax law.
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