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With the development of market economy,enterprises are facing increasingly fierce competition,the enterprise's business environment is complex and changeable,in the enterprise in the course of business,at any time may be unfavorable factors inside and outside of the invasion,and trigger a financial crisis.As a business enterprise's financial hub,its good transport to the healthy development of enterprises is the basis for the existence of the financial crisis threatening the survival of enterprises and development of each and every enterprise managers,we must attach importance to the financial crisis in preventing and resolving problems And again in the enterprise's financial crisis or even bankruptcy case,time and again to every one of the managers warned:For business continuity and continue to grow,we must do a good job in financial crisis prevention and resolution work.From the definition of corporate crisis,the enterprise's financial crisis on the basic characteristics and its causes,designed to study the causes of enterprise financial crisis,to build better-performing,can be used for cross-industry enterprise's financial crisis early warning analysis of the model discrimination and How to detect and prevent financial crisis made a number of the corresponding solution.
看了 英语翻译随着市场经济的发展,...的网友还看了以下:

下列关于生物变异的叙述中不正确的是()A.基因突变是随机的,可以发生在细胞分裂的任何时期B.二倍体  2020-05-13 …

基因突变可以发生在生物个体发育的任何时期,这说明()A.基因突变是随机发生的B.基因突变是不定向的  2020-05-16 …

原癌基因突变导致细胞癌变我是高中生,书本上说 原癌基因和抑癌基因都突变了,才会导致细胞癌变.那么如  2020-05-17 …

基因突变发生在什么时期?我们老师说是分裂间期,参考书是生物个体发育的任何时期?还有就是基因突变的概  2020-05-17 …

哪些变异产生新的基因和新的基因型?染色体变异产生新的基因基因突变基因重组产生新的基因型请连线.(是  2020-06-05 …

下列说法正确的是()A.基因突变对于生物个体是利多于弊B.基因突变都可以遗传给后代C.基因重组能产生  2020-10-31 …

下列有关生物变异的说法,正确的是()A.基因突变不一定都会引起生物性状的改变B.基因重组可以产生新的  2020-11-02 …

有一个选择支说“基因突变但种群基因频率不一定发生改变,是因为基因可产生回复突变即等位基因变为原来的基  2020-11-03 …

(多007•揭阳8模)下列关于基因突变的叙述中,正确的是()A.亲代的突变基因一定能传递给子代B.子  2020-11-12 …

非基因序列碱基对的变化叫可遗传的变异吗?可遗传变异来源有三:基因突变,基因重组,染色体变异,这不属于  2020-12-24 …