早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
2据说每天喝把杯水对人体的皮肤有好处(It's said that)
3 经历了一些困难后,我发现 有好朋友是多么重要(Find it)
6地震造成致命疾病的传播(Result in)
2据说每天喝把杯水对人体的皮肤有好处(It's said that)
3 经历了一些困难后,我发现 有好朋友是多么重要(Find it)
6地震造成致命疾病的传播(Result in)
1,Life by the laughter and tears formed (Consist of)
2 glasses of water is said to drink the good of the human skin (It's said that)
3 experienced some difficulties,I found a good friend how important it is (Find it)
4 The Beijing trip took me seven days,including two nights on the train (Including)
5 signs that the mountains at the entrance to the wolf,so visitors should be careful (Indicate)
6 earthquake caused the spread of deadly diseases (Result in)
2 glasses of water is said to drink the good of the human skin (It's said that)
3 experienced some difficulties,I found a good friend how important it is (Find it)
4 The Beijing trip took me seven days,including two nights on the train (Including)
5 signs that the mountains at the entrance to the wolf,so visitors should be careful (Indicate)
6 earthquake caused the spread of deadly diseases (Result in)
看了 英语翻译2据说每天喝把杯水对...的网友还看了以下:
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