早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
One day in the future .we won't go to concert .but play it our selfues one day in the future ,I am a pianis.I bring people beatiful moldies.I can give them happiness .I can do what l want.one day in the future.I am free .
how ever mean our life now is .meet it and live it .please do remeber that things don't charge .we change .
what I dream is a future .a wonder day in the fature.
One day in the future .we won't go to concert .but play it our selfues one day in the future ,I am a pianis.I bring people beatiful moldies.I can give them happiness .I can do what l want.one day in the future.I am free .
how ever mean our life now is .meet it and live it .please do remeber that things don't charge .we change .
what I dream is a future .a wonder day in the fature.
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