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请帮我看看和修改语法我写的小文章 >< 非常紧急
以下是我写的essay 第一段是introduction
第二段是 body paragraph #1
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Themain idea expressed by the story ‘’ watching and waiting’’ is a husband’srealization that jealousy and instruct are the harsh realities of life Why peopleget jealous so easily?And why jealousy is so powerful?We must think therequestions seriously,and figure out what jealousy problem in relationships.In orderto build trust in a relationship,there are several issues we need to considercarefully what we need to learn,especially for a couple or lover.
Jealousyis a sign of love,I believe everyone agree with that,because you really careof your other side,you care of his/her attitude,you care of his/hereverything,and you don’t want share your other sides with other people,youjust want him belong to you,when yousee your other side making some close action with a guy or girl,you may feel jealousy,that’s very normal,that’s kind of action showing that you love your otherside.In this story,the lawyer is very easily get jealousy ,I think theeither one reason is because he love his wife so much,and he feel so unsafebecause of his young beautiful wife.For some example ,this lawyer feel soanxious and jealous when he saw his wife dancing with a young man os her age’’this is a normal emotion especially for a a man.another example is he bring his wife movedfrom city to a rural area’’ because he feel that will make him feel more safeand will have more time to get together with his wife without others.
The main idea expressed by the story ‘’ Watching and Waiting’’ is a husband’s realization that jealousy and destruction are the harsh realities of life. Why people get jealous so easily? And why jealousy is so powerful? We must think these questions seriously, and figure out what problems of jealousy in relationships. In order to build trust in a relationship, there are several issues we need to consider carefully, such as what we need to learn, especially for a couple or lover.

Jealousy is a sign of love, I believe that almost everyone can agree with that, because you really care about your partner, you value his/her attitude, you notice everything about him/her, and you do not want to share your darling with other people, you just want him/her belong to yourself. When you see your other side having some close interaction with a guy or a girl, you may feel jealous, that’s very normal, and that’s the kind of action showing that you love your other half. In this story, the lawyer can very easily get jealous, I think the reason is due to the fact that he loves his wife so much that he feels threatened from potential rivals because of her beautiful wife. For example, this lawyer feels so anxious and jealous when he saw his wife dancing with a young man of her age. This is a normal emotional reaction especially for a man. Another example is that he brings his wife with him to move from the city to a rural area, which is due to his assumption that it will make him feel much safer and it will enable him to have more time to get together with his wife without other competitors.
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