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求一篇英语作文:Computer And Man,150次左右.
1)it is believed that the computer can do almost everything;
2)Can man be Controlled by computer?
3)The future of it is very promising.
1)it is believed that the computer can do almost everything;
2)Can man be Controlled by computer?
3)The future of it is very promising.
It is believed that the computer can do almost every thing.At the time the computer was invented,scientists,carried away by its calculating speed,felt that they had created a miracle.It was gradually used not only in mathematics,physics,chemistry and astronomy,but in places like the library,hospital and military army to replace the work of man.For the work of man.For this reason,the computer was entiled “Electronic Brain” in terms of appreciation.
Can man be controlled by computers?The answer is negative.Although a computer works much faster and accurately than man ,a fact is undeniable; it is designed,manufactured and programmed by man,and therefore by human beings.Of course,science fictions have made up many fascinating stories about a computer,or rather robot,who conquers man and the earth,even the whole universe; however,they are only unrealistic imaginatio.A horse helps man a lot runs much faster than we,but it is only a slave.
The future for the computer is very promising.With the help of it,we can do things that could not be done before.Conquering the universe,discovering new things,explaining mysteruiys phenomena puzzling us at present are all made possible by computer.
Can man be controlled by computers?The answer is negative.Although a computer works much faster and accurately than man ,a fact is undeniable; it is designed,manufactured and programmed by man,and therefore by human beings.Of course,science fictions have made up many fascinating stories about a computer,or rather robot,who conquers man and the earth,even the whole universe; however,they are only unrealistic imaginatio.A horse helps man a lot runs much faster than we,but it is only a slave.
The future for the computer is very promising.With the help of it,we can do things that could not be done before.Conquering the universe,discovering new things,explaining mysteruiys phenomena puzzling us at present are all made possible by computer.
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