早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
As for spring,summer,autumn,and winter,they strike a chord with me by savouring the birds and wind,the moon and harvest fly,the cloud and rain,the wintermoon and frosty season when bathed in poems.As it is,we intune the poets to express our familial affection in assembly but the bitterness when independent of the others.Except for these poems,what can we depend on to express ourself when the scenes touch our heart?For instance,the minister of chu state exiled from his country as well as the concubines from Han dynasty out of favor with emperor ,who of them,the bodies of some sacares and exposes in the wild with their sours weeping on the weeds,the anothers become a spearman when disaster form the border throw them into war.Another example,the woman in rimland suffer from poverty and in boudoir sniveling at the top of your lungs,the scholars handing out their office brand to resign from the court with no reply to receive,the women keeping in emperor's grace by their charming out of whole country and so on.So as the saying goes,"the peots,either be gregarious or unleash their resentment through their poems".楼主的问题难度大,且没有分,也难怪无人光顾,我当练笔,在此献丑.
As for spring,summer,autumn,and winter,they strike a chord with me by savouring the birds and wind,the moon and harvest fly,the cloud and rain,the wintermoon and frosty season when bathed in poems.As it is,we intune the poets to express our familial affection in assembly but the bitterness when independent of the others.Except for these poems,what can we depend on to express ourself when the scenes touch our heart?For instance,the minister of chu state exiled from his country as well as the concubines from Han dynasty out of favor with emperor ,who of them,the bodies of some sacares and exposes in the wild with their sours weeping on the weeds,the anothers become a spearman when disaster form the border throw them into war.Another example,the woman in rimland suffer from poverty and in boudoir sniveling at the top of your lungs,the scholars handing out their office brand to resign from the court with no reply to receive,the women keeping in emperor's grace by their charming out of whole country and so on.So as the saying goes,"the peots,either be gregarious or unleash their resentment through their poems".楼主的问题难度大,且没有分,也难怪无人光顾,我当练笔,在此献丑.
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