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轮到我做值日报告了TAT.求一篇英语作文 关于陈奕迅的 120次左右
上讲台演讲的 3-5分钟就好.TAT~
轮到我做值日报告了TAT.求一篇英语作文 关于陈奕迅的 120次左右
上讲台演讲的 3-5分钟就好.TAT~
How to improve English
Firstly, practice is the most important. The way you learn English is just the same as learning Chinese. Language learning needs practice. I think it is quite true.
Secondly, method is also necessary. A better way to remember new words is reading. When we read English newspaper or magazines, we will surely meet with lots of new words. We can guess or look up the meanings by reahing the whole sentence. Another important way is to write or spell the new words in groups. Try not to spell the words lonely.
Thirdly, Learning the grammar well is necessary, but how to correct mistakes seems more important. Write down the mistakes in a notebook and try to correct them.
Firstly, practice is the most important. The way you learn English is just the same as learning Chinese. Language learning needs practice. I think it is quite true.
Secondly, method is also necessary. A better way to remember new words is reading. When we read English newspaper or magazines, we will surely meet with lots of new words. We can guess or look up the meanings by reahing the whole sentence. Another important way is to write or spell the new words in groups. Try not to spell the words lonely.
Thirdly, Learning the grammar well is necessary, but how to correct mistakes seems more important. Write down the mistakes in a notebook and try to correct them.
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