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用英文扩写 静夜思 ,并加以联想,使其成为一个完整的故事(140词左右)
Silent Night
Night was deep and dead silence reigned everywhere,making me feel as i had fallen asleep.Tossing and turning in the bed,I found something lingering on my mind.So I opened my eyes and then was attracted by the pale silver moonlight,which had traveled through the window paper and made my bed,my body and my soul drenched in the inexpressible sadness.Although it was late in the autumn,i still cannot help suspecting it to be hoary frost when the cold pale moonlight shining down on the ground and pouring a heavy dose of sad atmosphere.Unconsciously,I looked up into the dark blue sky and found the moon alone without the accompany of the any star.Then I realized that maybe the moon was as lonely as me with the insomnia troubling it every single night.The silence wasn't so bad till I look at my empty room and felt sad cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone.I sat on bed all night waist-deep in thought because when I think of my home I don't feel so alone.
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