早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
人生的价值 四人英语对话
A:The value of life is that you can experience many unforgetable things during you whole life,
isn't it?
B:Yes,of course.What'smore,the meaning of life is just to find out how to live a happy and meaningful life.
C:In my opinion,I think that life is a chance for us to konw more about the world.Maybe it sometimes appears curel ,but I can learm a lot from it.With time going by,I grow up and become a man.
D:To be honest,the value of life is difficult to experience.Only by treating life with heart
and make moat of the time,can you truely know what life means.
ABCTogether:I can't agree more!
isn't it?
B:Yes,of course.What'smore,the meaning of life is just to find out how to live a happy and meaningful life.
C:In my opinion,I think that life is a chance for us to konw more about the world.Maybe it sometimes appears curel ,but I can learm a lot from it.With time going by,I grow up and become a man.
D:To be honest,the value of life is difficult to experience.Only by treating life with heart
and make moat of the time,can you truely know what life means.
ABCTogether:I can't agree more!
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