早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1、玛丽不只有一个姐妹 2、我不像汤姆那样擅长游泳(2种)3、我的眼睛比他的大一点4、这个笑话使我大笑5、对于我来说,一个好朋友喜欢和我做一样的事情6、一个好老师擅长和各种学生打交道7、我认为差异在有一种是不重要的8、我和我爸爸长的一样(2种)9、起初这个电视剧很有趣,我对它很感兴趣.但是现在我对它失去了兴趣10、Niki是个人真的女孩,每堂课都仔细听老师讲课
1:Marry doesn't have only one sister
2: I dont like Tom as good at swimming.
3: My eyes is bigger then his.
4: This joke makes me laugh.
5:As for me. the one who is my good friend like to do samething like me.
6: A good teacher is good at dealing with kinds of students.
7:我看不懂只是什么意思 !汗
8: My dad and I looks like. My dad and I have a same face!
9: At the beginning of this television drama, its funny, but now, I lost the interest about it!
10:Niki is serious girl,she was listenning to the teacher so carefully every class.
呵呵 其实我不会
看了 英语翻译1、玛丽不只有一个姐...的网友还看了以下: