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冰雪奇缘英文内容简介 大概把故事的主线情节讲清楚就行 字数200+,350-,要求无语法错误,句子通顺,高二水平或稍高些 急
Once upon a time,there was a kingdom.The king had two daughters.One was called Anna and the other was called Elsa.
Elsa had power to make snow.They often got together and played snow.Once,when they were playing,Elsa made a mistake which hurt Anna.Even thought Anna was saved,Elsa can't forgive herself--she closed herself in her room.
As time passed by,the power became so stronger that Elsa can't control it.The king and queen soon passed away.Elsa was going to be the queen and there would be a ball.Anna fell in love with a prince who she met the first time.She wanted to marry him,but Elsa didn't agree.During their argument,Elsa made ice in front of many people.
Elsa ran away.Anna wanted to find her back,so she ordered the prince to look after the kingdom in her absence.Anna met a man who lived on selling ice blocks and she employed him to take her to the north mountain where Elsa was living.Anna and Elsa quarrelled again,when Elsa hurt Anna.The situation was even worse than the front.If Anna couldn't get a kiss from true love,she would became a ice statue.
The prince knocked Anna in a cold,dark room.He wanted to kill Anna and Elsa to get the kingdom.Just before one second the prince thrust Elsa,Anna appeared,turned into a statue and protected Elsa.Elsa's tear fell down onto Anna and Anna recovered.She soon realized true love can remove the snow.
At last,the kingdom became green except the palace--they made a skating rink.
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