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Report on:Customer Complaints Analysis
This report sets out to summarise the reasons for complaints and give explanations and solutions by analysing the data.
Figures show that we received 300 complaint emails in January,which is the normal level.However,the number increased rapidly to 540 in February due to the computer virus breakout.But it cannot be the problem after we upgraded our antivirus software.In view of the reasons for complaints,the main concern is delivering speed.More than a half of our clients were unsatisfied with our logistics service.As for quality,a lot of complaints have been received because of the signal error of the toys cars.In addition,the computer virus accident has been solved and we have sent all the incorrect packages in to right address in March.
The logistics has been the bottle neck of our firm and an investigation of the toy cars should be done.
We need to change the distribute agency and have an appointment with our supplier.
粗粗读了一边,觉得有的地方不太顺口.1、the reasons for ,我觉得reason不用加S.2、breakout应该用过去式.upgraded?update?3、 More than a half of,不要a上面是个人看法.对的话可以采用,不对的也麻烦告诉下我哈,改天...