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求助一片Essay关于Children Athletic competition.
因为明天就是Final了,求助各位英语达人帮忙写一篇Final Essay,没有具体字数限制,基本上就是关于 Benefits和problems的,比如,Benefits:Teahes players technical skills,Make people faster stronger better,or Self confidence.或者 Problems:Children could have injuries.Easy to get hurt 等等.具体的题目Professior没有给,但是要求是At lest 2 body pragragh,Each pragragh should have 10-15 Sentences,然后有各自的Sporting Ideas.最后加上Conclusion Sentence.小弟目前就60分,现在去找分,
Children Benefit More from Participating in Sports
Children have always been encouraged to participate in sports in our society as exemplified by the inclusion of physical education as a part of our schools' curriculum.Due to the physical nature,accidents and injuries are bound to happen in engaging in sports activities.Because of that,some people,especially parents of children have expressed concern and demanded to stop children from participating in any sports activities.How to address these concerns?
The key to these concerns boils down to one essential question,i.e.,are there any benefits of doing sports in children.The simple answer is definitely "yes",but "how?" To be more convincing,the problem needs to be assessed in terms of quantity and quality.By quantity,I mean the number and frequency of injuries occurred while participating in sports among children.Injuries do happen,but not on a frequent basis and only occurred to a small percentage of children.A good control of the quality of sports in terms of choosing sport activities appropriate to children of different age and gender is very important factor to avoid injuries.If concerns over injuries while engaging in sports among children are no longer an issue,then the benefits of doing sports among children should be generally recognized.If a child is very smart and capable,but without a good health,his/her smartness and capability mean nothing to our society.What our society needs in the future is a healthy generation capable of taking social responsibility and capable of playing an important role in the building of a stronger China.