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Should we know English from childhood写一篇作文!
因为对另一种语言的掌握可以让人接受一种全新的价值观和人生观,促进自己人格的健全.吸收国外的文化与知识,很多书籍原版的才最有味道.在我们以后走上社会时,英语是非常重要的,当我们做外贸时,可以直接与 国外的那些企业家们交谈,十分方便.
Should we know English from childhood
I think we should learn English since I was a child, because English is a very beautiful language, it is also a language with a very wide range of.
Because of master another language can make people to accept a new values and outlook on life, to promote their sound personality. Absorbing foreign culture and knowledge, a lot of books of original works best. After we took to the society, English is very important, when we do foreign trade, you can directly talking to those foreign entrepreneurs, it is very convenient.
So, in order to can make our English better, I think we should learn English as soon as possible.
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