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本文通过LabView软件,对采集卡PCI-4474采集的声压(sound pressure)信号进行处理.运用图形化编程语言,在程序的开发过程中运用模块化的设计思想,根据所需的不同功能,经采集模块、存储模块、读取模块、处理模块、显示模块等功能模块,将信号转换成容易记录与读取的信号,便于比较噪声信号的强弱,达到研究目的.
本文通过LabView软件,对采集卡PCI-4474采集的声压(sound pressure)信号进行处理.运用图形化编程语言,在程序的开发过程中运用模块化的设计思想,根据所需的不同功能,经采集模块、存储模块、读取模块、处理模块、显示模块等功能模块,将信号转换成容易记录与读取的信号,便于比较噪声信号的强弱,达到研究目的.
The LabView is a all or part of the intelligent input and output functions system capable of signal measurement, controlling,transformation, analysis, displaying, output and so on.
Focusing on the "software that instrument" concept.The virtual instrument technology will be applied in more fields and popularization
本文通过LabView软件,对采集卡PCI-4474采集的声压(sound pressure)信号进行处理.
这句话好像有问题. 本文怎么可以对..处理? Using graphical programming language,in the process of program development adopts modular design idea and according to the different function, the required acquisition module, storage module, read module, processing module, display module and such a fuction module,which can converting the signal to record and read signal, easy to compare noise signal intensity and achieve research purposes
Focusing on the "software that instrument" concept.The virtual instrument technology will be applied in more fields and popularization
本文通过LabView软件,对采集卡PCI-4474采集的声压(sound pressure)信号进行处理.
这句话好像有问题. 本文怎么可以对..处理? Using graphical programming language,in the process of program development adopts modular design idea and according to the different function, the required acquisition module, storage module, read module, processing module, display module and such a fuction module,which can converting the signal to record and read signal, easy to compare noise signal intensity and achieve research purposes
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