早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
One of our main arguments is that we in Western countries actually have a part to play in causing the problems of the Third World.Many Third World countries are saddled with immense debt burdens,for example.They were lent money at low interest rates in the 1970s,when money flooded into Western banks from the oil-producing countries and was lent out to the Third World.The interest rates have then risen dramatically.So you have a situation where a country in many cases can't even repay the interest,let alone the capital ,on the debt.And I suppose the best example from what I've come across is a country in West Africa where the consumption,the local consumption of peanuts was banned ,because peanuts,if they're exported can bring in a great deal of foreign income.The peanut is a major source of protein in this country.So you had people go hungry as a result of that .The peanuts were exported to Great Britain and the United States to feed our cattle.Those cattle then produced a surplus of milk which we do not know what to do with.We have enough milk ,more milk than we can cope with ,in the West World.And so that milk was transformed into dried milk powder and then taken back to this country to help feed children who were suffering from malnutrition.So that's the kind of insane economic relationship that we've got ourselves in(into) the Third World.
One of our main arguments is that we in Western countries actually have a part to play in causing the problems of the Third World.Many Third World countries are saddled with immense debt burdens,for example.They were lent money at low interest rates in the 1970s,when money flooded into Western banks from the oil-producing countries and was lent out to the Third World.The interest rates have then risen dramatically.So you have a situation where a country in many cases can't even repay the interest,let alone the capital ,on the debt.And I suppose the best example from what I've come across is a country in West Africa where the consumption,the local consumption of peanuts was banned ,because peanuts,if they're exported can bring in a great deal of foreign income.The peanut is a major source of protein in this country.So you had people go hungry as a result of that .The peanuts were exported to Great Britain and the United States to feed our cattle.Those cattle then produced a surplus of milk which we do not know what to do with.We have enough milk ,more milk than we can cope with ,in the West World.And so that milk was transformed into dried milk powder and then taken back to this country to help feed children who were suffering from malnutrition.So that's the kind of insane economic relationship that we've got ourselves in(into) the Third World.
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