早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
New Year is coming.Everyone has lots of New year’s resolutions.I asked my friends about their New Year’s resolutions.Lucy is a good student.She always gets good grades.But she wants to do better in Chinese.She is going to take Chinese lessons every Sunday.And she is a little bit heavy.S o she is going to eat more vegetables and do more exercise to keep fit.Vicky is a smart girl.She does well in English.Next year,she is going to learn a foreign lauguage.She is going to have Fench classes every month.She is good at playing the piano.She really love music and she is going to learn the guitar.She wants to be a musician when she grows up.I hope that their dreams come true.
New Year’s day is coming.Everyone has lots of New year’s resolutions.I asked my friends about their New Year’s resolutions.Lucy is a good student.She always gets good grades at school.But she wants to do better in Chinese.She is going to take Chinese lessons every Sunday.She is going to be a reporter when she grows up.She is a little bit heavy.So she will eat more vegetables and do more exercise to keep fit.Vicky is a smart girl.She does well in English.Next year,she plans to learn a foreign lauguage.She is going to have Fench classes every month.She is good at playing the piano,too.She really love music and she is going to learn the guitar.I hope that their dreams come true.修改版~
New Year is coming.Everyone has lots of New year’s resolutions.I asked my friends about their New Year’s resolutions.Lucy is a good student.She always gets good grades.But she wants to do better in Chinese.She is going to take Chinese lessons every Sunday.And she is a little bit heavy.S o she is going to eat more vegetables and do more exercise to keep fit.Vicky is a smart girl.She does well in English.Next year,she is going to learn a foreign lauguage.She is going to have Fench classes every month.She is good at playing the piano.She really love music and she is going to learn the guitar.She wants to be a musician when she grows up.I hope that their dreams come true.
New Year’s day is coming.Everyone has lots of New year’s resolutions.I asked my friends about their New Year’s resolutions.Lucy is a good student.She always gets good grades at school.But she wants to do better in Chinese.She is going to take Chinese lessons every Sunday.She is going to be a reporter when she grows up.She is a little bit heavy.So she will eat more vegetables and do more exercise to keep fit.Vicky is a smart girl.She does well in English.Next year,she plans to learn a foreign lauguage.She is going to have Fench classes every month.She is good at playing the piano,too.She really love music and she is going to learn the guitar.I hope that their dreams come true.修改版~
不错,但is going to 用得太多,可改用一些其它生字,如 will,intend,plan,want .等 New Year’s day is coming.Everyone has lots of New year’s resolutions.I asked my friends about their New Year’s resolution...
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