早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
The woman said:"speak to us of love of the people.''
The wise man said:"they walked into the castle of love,always shine with happiness; 'and when they go out,oftencovered with scars."
Woman:"how to attract what I love?"
The wise man:"partly veiled."
Woman:"if you still can not attract him?"
The wise man:"the best give up his".
Woman:"so,I don't lose him?"
The wise man:"did not get,how to lose?Moreover,in many cases,it is lost,lost is gain."
Woman:"I love the people must be the most tolerant of mypeople"
The wise man:"no,he can hold all the world people hurt,but cannot bear to hurt you.Most of the time,dare to userelentless dagger to you is the person who love you most."
Woman:"if I loved abandoned me,how I want to get out oftrouble?"
The wise man:"as long as you live better than me."
Woman:"if do not solve the problem?
The wise man:"plenty of other fish in the sea."
Woman:"if it still can't?"
The wise man:"I pity you,because you lost me."
The wise man said:"they walked into the castle of love,always shine with happiness; 'and when they go out,oftencovered with scars."
Woman:"how to attract what I love?"
The wise man:"partly veiled."
Woman:"if you still can not attract him?"
The wise man:"the best give up his".
Woman:"so,I don't lose him?"
The wise man:"did not get,how to lose?Moreover,in many cases,it is lost,lost is gain."
Woman:"I love the people must be the most tolerant of mypeople"
The wise man:"no,he can hold all the world people hurt,but cannot bear to hurt you.Most of the time,dare to userelentless dagger to you is the person who love you most."
Woman:"if I loved abandoned me,how I want to get out oftrouble?"
The wise man:"as long as you live better than me."
Woman:"if do not solve the problem?
The wise man:"plenty of other fish in the sea."
Woman:"if it still can't?"
The wise man:"I pity you,because you lost me."
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